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Etiam aliquam sem ac velit feugiat elementum. Nunc eu elit velit, nec vestibulum nibh. Curabitur ultrices, diam non ullamcorper blandit, nunc lacus ornare nisi, egestas rutrum magna est id nunc. Pellentesque imperdiet.

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Nullam eros mi, mollis in sollicitudin non, tincidunt sed enim. Sed et felis metus, rhoncus ornare nibh. Ut at magna leo. Suspendisse egestas est ac dolor imperdiet pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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The Iowa County Attorneys Association is a nonprofit corporation whose primary purposes are to encourage and maintain close coordination among county attorneys and to promote the uniform and efficient administration of the criminal justice system in our state through cooperation with law enforcement agencies, monitoring of legislation and the provision of continuing legal education for prosecutors.